John Reid Spring Cup

This is an 18 hole singles competition that combines, from 2011, the John Reid Team Challenge Cup and the Spring Meeting. It has been contested by various teams. In the past it would have been between various departments such as Design, Test, Workshop, retirees etc. It is now, from 2012, included as one of the competitions that determine the results of the Jim Hamilton Scratch Cup and The Golfer of the Year.abcdeaf

Full results sheets, where available.

2010, click here, 2011, click here, 2012, click here, 2013, click here, 2014, click here, 2015, click here

2016, click here, 2017, click here, 2018, click here, 2019, click here, 2020 not played, 2021 click here

2022 click here, 2023 click here,

For the latest Competition venue see the latest diary.